A seminar on Auxiliary Boilers Feed Water Chemical Treatment was organized on 16 February 2023 for 25 Engineer Officers and Technical Superintendents of Minerva Marine by Wilhelmsen Ship Service.
The seminar was delivered by Mr. Vlamis, Mr. Kounnamas, Mr. Chalaris and Mr. Liberatos from Wilhelmsen. It started with an introduction to Water Chemistry from a Technical Perspective and was followed by the Proper Water Treatment of Chemicals and Dosing and the use of the Portal and Waterproof Software for water treatment results.
An emphasis was given at real vessel cases by analysing the cause, the way the cases could have been avoided and the actions to take in order to prevent such accidents in the future.
The seminar was completed by practical testing on Water Treatment using WSS water test kits and familiarization with the Waterproof software.
Wilhelmsen donated welding and plasma cutter machines with a remarkable number of Welding Handbooks as a training material to our Training Center.